Sunday, November 16, 2008


So, last night I finally saw the light at the end of the self-imposed funk tunnel. The past few weeks, while splotched with the occassional ray of sunshine (the most notable of which would be the discovery of Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks ..nomnomnomnom) have been kinda sucky. The crappy weather that just happened to coincide with layoffs at work and overall drama didn't bode well for my mental state. I tried to power through it with DIPLO on Friday but I couldn't even make it to his set. The amount of scenagers alone was staggering, not to mention that no one had a problem with invading my personal space. So I peaced and got 13 hours of sleep, which allowed me to knock down this oncoming cold. Holler.

Last night I went to Beau Monde with my friend's parents, then went with the ladies to shake our collective shit to the musical stylings of DJ DEEJAY djay, which was wonderful per usual. I even got a missed connection out of it. Although in full disclosure I don't think it counts because I told him to write it. But, Imma take em how I can get em. My friend said he looked like he was 22, but hey.. at least he's legal? I still have to respond.

I'm gonna be honest, as much as a truly do enjoy being single, the winter coldness is making me miss someone to cuddle up to (which is probably why I had a set back and made out with a past hook up last week.) Ah well, we all have our setbacks, and mine happened to come in a chodey form. And my cats are reaching their spoiled teenager phase where they are embarrassed by their momma and don't want to snuggle with me any more.

OK I'm gonna wrap this up, because my thumb is still smarting from trying to force zip myself into a cute dress in H&M. Europe won that battle, my thumb and dignity lost.

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